You can imagine my excitement about the very gorgeous, the very environmentally friendly and the very ace Flip and Tumble reusable bags that arrived in the mail for me today! I put them to very good use straight away, never has my grocery shopping looked so good! And then these bundles of gorgeousness had the good sense to scrunch down into virtually nothing making them easy to store (unlike those tired old green supermarket bags that take up so much room ...)

I had been particularly hanging out for their produce bags because I absolutely refuse to use those silly little plastic bags. I always believed that there was a much better alternative to bag my fruit and vegies, so when I clapped my eyes on Flip and Tumble's produce bags I knew I had found what I had been searching for!

So what could be even more exciting than receiving this gorgeous eco goodness in my letterbox today? The chance to announce that Flip & Tumble are sponsoring Sugar & Spice market. Together we will be handing out 100 FREE Flip & Tumble shopper bags at the market that will be filled with lots of goodies!! So make sure you get to the market nice and early so you do not miss out!