Monday, February 28, 2011

The show goes on!

Hello all,

Thank you for the concern you have all shown me the last few days. Please rest assured that my family and I are fine and dandy. The catalyst for finding S&S a new home was brought about because my husband is going to travel more and more with his job (and it is a job that he adores so I can't be selfish and tell him to find a new one!!). There are some simply lovely people interested in taking over S&S and they all have some pretty impressive qualifications too, it is gong to be a difficult decision for me to make! The future for S&S is very bright indeed.

I hope you are all looking forward to the Woodend market this Sunday, I know I most certainly am. Here is the list of retailers you will be able to shop at!

Milladdi Kids
Bunty and Sars
DEAR life
Shady Days
Impressionable Kids
Little Herriot
Mr Moo
Cool Kids Creations
Bridie - Jane

And not forgetting our lovely lovely photographer Kim Selby Photography

Saturday, February 26, 2011

To a good home .....

I realise that this is a little unexpected however, due to some personal circumstances Sugar & Spice needs to find a new home.

S&S needs someone who will take the market to the next level and there are already some very exciting developments on the horizon for Sugar & Spice.

If you can offer the right home for S&S please let me know.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Poster perfect!

Prue has out done herself once again! How gorgeous is this poster??!! As we speak (so to speak) 100 of these are being printed on glossy A3 paper. Volunteers to help get these posters out and about would be much appreciated.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ballarat prettiness

I love Tea & Jam photography, I really honestly do! Kate and Nathan are such lovely people and they take spectacular photos, a perfect combo as far as I am concerned. Here are a few ace photos they took of the very first Ballarat Sugar & Spice and you will find a lot more on our facebook page.

For those of you in business, you should also check out Kate and Nathan's other baby, Tiny Agency

And so it begins again!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all safe and dry after the torrential rain falls we had over the weekend .... is it safe to declare the drought over yet?

I hope that you had a lovely Christmas and New Year with your families! My little family spent a lot of time packing our belongings into boxes because we moved into our lovely new home in the Macedon Ranges and we are loving it.

School has started again which also mean back to work for me (boo) and Mr O is back at school too, though he did inform me that he needed another holiday! He was super excited when I told him he could have 2 days off (the weekend of course).

Of course our lovely markets are back on too with Ballarat the first cab off the rank this year. We are back at the lovely St Alipius Parish Hall at 78 Victoria Street (see the map for a bit of assistance) 9am - 1pm, with a lovely array of stall holders to browse : ) Here are just a few of them!


Our ever popular goody  bags, packed this time by the Goody Bag Exchange, will be available at the market! HOWEVER, to get your hands on of the 50 bags you will need to bring in a Sugar & Spice ad that we have running in this weeks Courier newspaper. There will be just to two ads this week so you will have to keep your eyes peeled!