I am always very touched by the small businesses that put their hands up to be part of the bags. One of the loveliest ideas yet for the goodie bag came from the Jenny of Ooakly. Jenny designed the very sweet "love ya to bits postcards" which featured the classic Ooakly giraffe. The sweet philosophy behind the postcards was simple, surprise someone that you love with a hand written note. And who would not love recieving something so sweet in their mail box?

You would have also discovered some gorgeous gift tags by Mecollie designs. Stock up on some more gift tags for Christmas on their website as 100% of proceeds from the sale of the tags will be donated to HeartKids. Lovely!
Whilst we are on the topic of goodie bags ...... 100 of them disappearing in 25 minutes is fairly staggering and I do so dislike telling people, who have arrived to the market early, that they are in fact too late for the bags. So I might hand out half of the bags when the market starts and then the last half a few hours laters.