Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Goodie bag goodness

The goodie bags are a popular feature of Sugar & Spice markets ....so popular, in fact, they disappeared in 25 minutes flat!

I am always very touched by the small businesses that put their hands up to be part of the bags. One of the loveliest ideas yet for the goodie bag came from the Jenny of Ooakly. Jenny designed the very sweet "love ya to bits postcards" which featured the classic Ooakly giraffe. The sweet philosophy behind the postcards was simple, surprise someone that you love with a hand written note. And who would not love recieving something so sweet in their mail box?

did you receive a postcard

Were you lucky enough to recieve one? Jenny brought them with her on the morning of the market and I was not quick enough to keep up with the demand for the goodie bags! If you were one of the lucky few please pop over to Jenny's blog and let her know as she would love to hear the story of where your postcards travelled to!

You would have also discovered some gorgeous gift tags by Mecollie designs. Stock up on some more gift tags for Christmas on their website as 100% of proceeds from the sale of the tags will be donated to HeartKids. Lovely!

Whilst we are on the topic of goodie bags ...... 100 of them disappearing in 25 minutes is fairly staggering and I do so dislike telling people, who have arrived to the market early, that they are in fact too late for the bags. So I might hand out half of the bags when the market starts and then the last half a few hours laters.

Monday, September 27, 2010

What did you buy?

I have a very tolerant husband, which is just as well really as I set myself a budget to spend at the September market ..... and then blew it by 50%!!!

I have discovered that it is quite a dangerous thing, running a boutique market and having a little girl, dangerous to the bank balance that is!!

This market I had a bit of a spending spree on dresses. I also grabbed a few gorgeous bibs from Gromarts and I will have to share a photo of them on facebook with you as they are in Miss T's room and she is having a snooze as I type this.

This lovely little dress is from Pinikity

This gorgeous dress is by Miss Haidee and is made from some old table cloths! I just adore the details ...

There was another dress I could not resist from Little Ray as well, but for some reason blogger has decided that I am not allowed to upload any more photos *sigh* I will have to post that one on FB too!

What did you buy at the market? I would love for you to share photos of your purchases over at our facebook page!

P.S. How pretty is my new blog??!! The makeover was done by the lovely Prue of Gigi & Lulu. My favourite bit is the retailers form that you will find under the retail tab. No more using ticket systems in evil (and confusing) ways

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The goodie bags & a few things

Packed and stacked ... all 100 of them! Chock full of vouchers and lovely products for the lucky people to get them. I never knew 100 bags would take up so much room and thank goodness my girlfriend came to help me or else I would have been up all night doing them ...... or my husband would have been forced to help!

Here are are just a few of the lovely companies that you will discover in the bags tomorrow! There are soooo many other lovelies in the bags but I do not want to spoil the suprise!!

On another note, due to some personal reasons La Torina will unfortunately be unable to make it to the market tomorrow, but in their place you will find the very gorgeous My Poppet!

Forecast for tomorrow: Sunny with a little bit of wind YAY!!!

See you there

Ali xx

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A slight change of plans

Due to some unforseen circumstances Tea & Jam Photography will not be able to attend next Sunday's market.

However, we are very lucky that the lovely Kim Selby has agreed to be our official photographer. Kim is mum to two gorgeous boys and a Woodend local. She takes the most magical pictures, especially of busy little people and their families. Kim's style is very relaxed, natural and candid. She aims to capture the smiles, frowns, laughter, kisses and cuddles but most importantly your family just being themselves!

Make sure you pop over to her blog to see some more of her gorgeous photos. And stop by her stall next Sunday & have a chat!

I am also very thrilled to let you know that Kim has also agreed to become the official photographer for Sugar & Spice Market in Woodend. You will still be able to catch Tea & Jam Photography at the Ballarat market.

See you next Sunday

Ali xx